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Upper Batley High School home page

Believe - Achieve - Succeed

We are Modeshift STARS

UBHS is part of Modeshift STARS Education Scheme and we have been recognised as showing excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable and active travel. We want to encourage all learners to stay fit and healthy, and one way of doing this is, by getting learners to cycle and walk to and from school on a daily basis. 


In doing so, not only are we promoting learners to have a healthy body and healthy mind, but also reducing the amount of traffic in our community. We all know, only too well, that mornings between 8.00-8.30am and afternoons between 3.00-3.30pm are the busiest. Therefore, where possible, we need to avoid any additional strain on road capacity during these times, to help with traffic flow.

We would like to kindly request that parents/carers support our Modeshift STARS agenda and encourage your child to walk/cycle to school.


Mr Aman Singh Kang

Upper Batley High School is part of Batley Multi Academy Trust, company number 07732537, a Company incorporated as private limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales and an exempt Charity. Registered Office Blenheim Drive, Batley, WF17 0BJ.

Contact Us

  • Upper Batley High School, Batley Field Hill, Batley, WF17 0BJ
  • 01924 326343