Religious Education
The right to withdraw from RE:
Religion and belief have become more visible in public life in recent years, making it important that all young people should have an opportunity to engage in RE. However, parents/carers may request that their child be excused from all or part of the religious education (RE) provided. No reasons need be given.
“In Religious Education, pupils enter into a rich discourse about the religious and non-religious traditions that have shaped Great Britain and the world. RE in secondary schools enables pupils to take their place within a diverse multi-religious and multi-secular society. At its best, it is intellectually challenging and personally enriching. It affords pupils both the opportunity to see the religion and non-religion in the world, and the opportunity to make sense of their own place in that world”
- Ofsted
In the diversity of modern Britain, Religious Education is what connects us all. RE is the opportunity to explore the rich tapestry of religious and non-religious worldviews throughout the world.
Religious Education provides a particular space for students to encounter and engage with the deepest and most fundamental questions relating to life. Religion has shaped and been shaped by historical events, something which continues today. RE gives students an important framework for understanding past and present events, actions and beliefs and their impact within the context of people’s lives. It promotes an understanding of religions as dynamic, internally diverse and evolving over time.
We at Upper Batley High School are passionate about enabling learners to become the best versions of themselves, and RE prepares learners to be influential in creating a respectful, peaceful, and unified society.
Outline of Course Content
In KS3 learners gain an insight into different beliefs, teachings and practices of different religions in the UK, including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Some concepts that they explore include religious leaders, religious festivals, human rights and social injustice, places of worship and pilgrimage. Learners have the opportunity to consider the impact that faith has on the life of an individual believer, as well as how it is shared amongst religious groups. They are also given the opportunity to reflect upon people’s beliefs and consider their own point of view.
The Year 7 curriculum will revolve around the question of how Britain has come to be the religiously diverse country we live in today. Learners will examine religions in the order in which they came to Britain and look at how our history and society has been influenced by religion.
- What are beliefs?
- Ancient Celtic Paganism
- Early Christianity in Britain
- Christian reformation in Britain
- How WW2 brought religious diversity to Britain
- The rise of Secularism
The Year 8 curriculum will be following the theme of ‘The Cycle of Life’. It will examine religious and non-religious worldviews and their understanding of different aspects of our lives.
- How did the universe come into existence?
- How do we live a good life?
- What happens after we die?
The Year 9 curriculum will introduce learners to Philosophy. The study of Philosophy helps learners to develop their analysis, comparative, and evaluative skills, through philosophical trends and debate. Learners will also be introduced to ethics, which will show learners how to apply philosophy and ethics to real-life, modern issues.
- The nature of the world
- Existence of God
- Mind, body, and soul
- Ethical theory
- Issues of life and death
- Animal rights
In GCSE Religious Education learners will study important issues within society as well as considering philosophical questions on religious beliefs and the existence of God. Learners will discuss different topics and be encouraged to express their opinions whilst respectfully understanding that other people may have a different viewpoint. Religious Education provides learners with a deeper understanding of the diversity of religions and cultures within our community. Religious Education will therefore help in any environment that involves working with members of the public as well as colleagues.
All learners will complete the AQA Religious Studies Route A Short Course over the two years of KS4. The chosen religions are Christianity and Islam. Learners will examine both the beliefs and practices for each religion. The ‘Themes’ section of the GCSE has two modules: Relationships and Families and Religion, Peace, and Conflict. Each theme will focus on a range of modern issues from both a Christian and Muslim perspective.
GCSE modules:
- Christianity beliefs and practices
- Islam beliefs and practices
- Relationships and Families
- Religion, Peace, and Conflict