More in Common (PSHCE)
In PSHCE lessons learners will follow a thematic curriculum exploring the core principles of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World, each year building on the skills and knowledge learned in each area. Under these themes a range of topics are examined including peer influence, drugs and alcohol, mental health, discrimination, financial decision making and respectful relationships. The learning is also supported by cross curricular links to other subjects, such as sex education in Science. There will be a number of opportunities to be involved in extra-curricular activities such as Restart-the-Heart day, the First Give project, Carry my Story and anti-bullying week.
Outline of Course Content
Topics include:
In year 7 learners will explore friendships, personal finance and living in a diverse society, as well as how to respond to bullying, transitioning to school and managing new influences.
In year 8 learners explore relationships in more detail and examine the effects of drugs and social pressure on health and wellbeing. They analyse the reliability of the media and discuss differences in employment options, in particular equality of opportunity. The issue of consent is explored and they learn the importance of challenging dicrimination.
Learners go into further depth in year 9, discussing the importance of personal responsibility on lifestyle choices, investigating employability skills and looking at families and parenting. The link between physical and mental health is recognized and conflict, its causes and resolution strategies are delved into.
In year 10 learners traverse the challenges of adolescence, including the influence of role models (positive and negative), managing misinformation and misconceptions about sex, gender and relationships. Learners also explore the impact of financial decisions, negative thinking strategies and inclusion and respect.
Building on previous knowledge, in year 11 learners investigate self-efficacy and future opportunities, review application processes and consider personal values. Challenges, both in careers and relationships, are discussed and learners explore the benefit of assertively communicating needs and managing stress.
Extracurricular and Enrichment Opportunities
PSHCE has many extracurricular and enrichment opportunities for our learners. We have many events that take place within school that are catered to the needs of GCSE learners such as guest speakers and events that help learners with revision and study skills. In Year 10 all learners will go on work experience which allows them to gain real life workplace experience. Career and further education advice is available for all learners and we work rigorously with learners to aid them in making choices for their futures. There are many enrichment projects that all learners at UBHS can get involved in some of this has included e-safety projects, restart a heart day, anti-bullying week, More In Common projects and Mosaic Community Arts project.
Other Details
More information can be found online at