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Upper Batley High School home page

Believe - Achieve - Succeed


SEND (Special Education Needs and Disabilities)

We are committed to inclusive practice and celebrate every opportunity for excellence for all our students.

We work to overcome any barriers to learning and personalise support for those with additional SEND needs. The SEND team has an open door policy for all learners and parents/carers. 

Core Team

Headteacher - Aman Singh Kang

SENDCo - Gemma Sinclair

Governors for SEND - Geoff Alvy and Alison Grant

If you wish to speak with someone about your child's SEND needs, you can attend one of our Working Together coffee mornings, or contact the key worker on the email address you have been provided with. Alternatively you can contact Gemma Sinclair at school on 01924 326343.


SEND Information Report and relevant policies

To view the SEND Information Report please visit Policies.

Working Together Coffee Mornings

Parents/carers of students with SEND are invited into school to meet the SEND team including Gemma Sinclair (SENDCo), Denita Raw (SEND Lead), Kayleigh Hughes (Assistant SENDCo), Geoff Alvy and Alison Grant  (SEND Governor) along with some members of the team who act as key workers for individual students.


Coffee mornings will be running again from September 2024 - dates and information on guest speakers will be shared in due course.

Links to outside professionals:

Cognition & Learning Outreach
SEMH Outreach
Educational Psychologist  

Kirklees Local Offer

Kirklees Local Offer gives children and young people, aged 0-25 years, with special educational needs or disabilities, and their families, information about what is available in Kirklees across education, health and social care.


It covers:

  • SEND support in nurseries and schools
  • Health and Social Care
  • Choices for school leavers
  • Support for parents and carers
  • Income and benefits
  • Things to do where you live
  • Workshops for parents/carers and young people
  • Holiday activities

It is so much more than a directory of services, it brings everything together in one place.

Opportunities for parents/carers

Kirklees is proud to offer support to parents and carers of students with SEND and runs regular workshops that you can book onto here. The same link also offers workshops for students. Please click the relevant tab to see the workshops on offer.

Upper Batley High School is part of Batley Multi Academy Trust, company number 07732537, a Company incorporated as private limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales and an exempt Charity. Registered Office Blenheim Drive, Batley, WF17 0BJ.

Contact Us

  • Upper Batley High School, Batley Field Hill, Batley, WF17 0BJ
  • 01924 326343