Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.
Flora Lewis, American Journalist 1918-2002
Learning a foreign language not only reveals how other societies think and feel, what they have experienced and value, and how they express themselves, it also provides a cultural mirror in which we can more clearly see our own society.
Chancellor Edward Lee Gorsuch, University of Alaska
“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” — Ludwig Wittgenstein.
“A different language is a different vision of life.” — Federico Fellini.
“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.” – Nelson Mandela
Why learn a Foreign Language? We teach 3 Modern Foreign Languages at Upper Batley High School – French, Arabic and Urdu - and our aim is to support and help learners develop their use of the Foreign Language in the classroom and beyond. We are a team of dedicated staff willing to instil the love of languages in our learners’ minds and hearts. Learners profit from a wide range of learning styles and activities which provide them with not only a well-rounded knowledge of the language that they are studying, but also a broadened perspective of the culture and the people of the countries where the language is spoken.
In addition, they get to learn much more about how English works alongside other languages, discovering its many similarities and shared vocabulary, expanding their range of English vocabulary in the process.
During their languages journey, learners develop a solid understanding of the mechanics of how to successfully learn another language whilst developing their skills of communications, analysis, deduction and how to overcome communication barriers, instilling into them a greater confidence to communicate in another language in a variety of real-life situations. On top of this, learners are provided with a wide range of opportunities to develop their intra-personal skills such as collaboration in group and partner work scenarios, reasoning, problem-solving and analysis all the while whilst building up their levels of literacy, auracy and oracy.
The school subscribes to a number of online educational sites offering an inclusive and varied learning environment. In languages, we make sure learners are happy, safe, engaged and learn new things about the world whilst experimenting with new vocabulary, ideas and activities.
Outline of Course Content - French
Year 7 topics include :-
- Unit 1 – C’est parti (numbers / alphabet / months / days / personal details / colours)
- Unit 2 – Ma Famille (family details / pets / appearance / personality / describing others)
- Unit 3 Chez Moi (where I live) - opinions / houses / rooms / bedroom furniture / prepositions)
- Unit 4 On va en ville (Going to town) - town description / buildings / asking the way / café ordering)
Year 8 topics include :-
- Unit 1 – Sports et Loisirs (Sports and Leisure) - sports / hobbies / opinions / details of sports / Past and Future tense)
- Unit 2 – Au college (At school) - subjects / teachers / school details / school day / school uniform /jobs / future plans
- Unit 3 – On dîne chez moi! (Come Dine with Me) - food / fruit / vegetables / quantities / opinions / shopping / shops
- Unit 4 – Ma Santé (Health/Lifestyle/Diet)
Year 9 topics include :-
- Unit 1 – Les Inrocks (Media and Technology) – TV / films / cinema / new technology / mobile phones
- Unit 2 – Ma region (My Area) – buildings / facilities / positive and negative points about my area / location / activities in my local area
- Unit 3 – En vacances (On holiday) – usual holiday habits / destinations / transport / accommodation / past holiday details / future and ideal holiday details
- Unit 4 – L’enivronnement (The Environment) – what we do to help protect the environment / good and bad environmental habits / environmental problems both local and global
GCSE Course (Y10 – 11)
Over 2 years, learners will study a number of topics across the following 3 themes :-
1) Identity and Culture
a) Me, My Family and Friends
- Relationships with family and Friends
- Marriage and Partnerships
b) Technology in Everyday Life
- Social media
- Mobile technology
c) Free-time Activities
- Music
- Cinema / TV
- Food and Eating out
- Sports and Hobbies
2) Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interest
a) Home, Town, Neighbourhood and Region
- Buildings / facilities in your area
- Type of area and opinions of your area
b) Social Issues
- Charity / Voluntary Work
- Healthy / Unhealthy living + Lifestyles
c) Global Issues
- Environment
- Poverty, Homelessness
d) Travel and Tourism
- Holidays habits
- Holidays in the Past, future holidays
- Travelling and Eating Abroad
3) Current and Future Study and Employment
a) My studies
- Subjects, Opinions, timetable
b) Life at school / college
- Timetable / Daily routine
- School Description / Rules
c) Education Post-16
- College Life / Stresses / Lifestyle
d) Jobs, Career Choices, Ambitions
- Future job plans
- Future Ambitions / Life Choices
AQA is our chosen exam board.
GCSE: One Reading and one Listening exam at the end of Year 11, totalling 25% of the total mark as well as sitting a Writing exam and before all of these a Speaking exam. Pupils will be entered at either Higher Tier (access to grades 9-4) or at Foundation Tier (access to grades 5-1) according to their ability.
Extracurricular and Enrichment Opportunities
We hold a French club after school on Thursdays where learners can experience lesson content in a more light-hearted and relaxed manner as well as sampling some of the culinary delights of French cuisine.
At the end of Y7, classes get to experience an authentic French café environment, with learners taking on the roles of waiters and customers, being able to order their food and drink from their fellow learners.
In addition, we deliver master classes before and after school for our Y11 learners in order to support and reinforce their learning supplementing the content and skills covered in timetabled lessons.
Resources to support learning
Learners are provided with vocabulary booklets, French phonics sheets in their books, revision guides and dictionaries (available at GCSE level at discounted rates), Conversation booklets, Role-Play and Photocard practice booklets (GCSE level) as well as unitised practice exam booklets for listening and reading exams at both tiers.
In addition, French provides access to app and online-based vocabulary learning tools with the current KS3 and GCSE cohorts such as Quizlet and Booklet,