Late/Absence Procedures
Learner Absence Policy
If your child is absent from school we would expect you to telephone the school before 10am with the reason why. If no contact is made, the school will contact the parents/carers on the first day of absence.
Parents/carers need to contact the school every day their child is absent, unless authorised.
Parents/carers will be contacted by letter if no explanation for a child's absence is given.
Parents/carers can check on their child's attendance by contacting the learner services office.
Absences are recorded as being authorised or unauthorised.
An authorised absence would cover such issues as illness, medical appointments, and religious observance.
Unauthorised absences are those where the reason for absence is unknown to the school, or the reason is inappropriate. These may include absence without notification, going shopping, haircuts, sleeping in, etc.
For further information please see the Attendance Policy on the Policies page.