
Moshin Hussain
Moshin joined UBHS during Year 9, and he found it the best move he made, as the teachers and staff helped him to progress so quickly over the two years he was at the school. After leaving, he worked as a GP's Practice Medical Secretary, but then decided he would like to become a Nurse, so enrolled in a course that will see him qualify in September 2023 as a Nursing Associate. His goal is to become a GP Nurse Practitioner in the future.

Bilal Khan
After leaving UBHS, Bilal joined the Yorkshire Ambulance Service as a call handler which he really enjoyed, but he wanted to progress his career further, so joined the Leeds Teaching Hospital in 2021 where he enrolled on a 2-year Administration and Business course. He now hopes to become a Business Manager upon completion of the course.

Huzaifa Jasat
I attended Upper Batley High School from 2015-2020 and during my final year had the honour and privilege of being voted Head Boy. I thoroughly enjoyed being the voice of the learners and the senior leadership team. My five years have consisted of laughter, smiles and obviously, hard work.
I left the school gates in March not knowing that it was my last day ever at UBHS, thanks to Covid-19. It was an abrupt ending to a fantastic, fun filled five years.
I went on to study Law, Criminology and Sociology at Huddersfield New College, where I made new friends and adjusted to the 'new normal' / life after the pandemic.

Ethan Davis
After leaving UBHS, I joined LLS and started to study a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sports Coaching and Development. In my first year I completed over 400 hours of work placements in a variety of areas, I came back to Upper Batley to the PE department for one term in December of 2020 on Thursdays, I also coached an Under 8s rugby team, a sports camp in the holidays, and in a boxing gym. I have been selected to do an international coaching experience in Tenerife through my college where I will experience different coaching applications.
In my second year with LLS I started to look at the possibility of University placings and other alternatives for the next steps in my sports career which may be international coaching, sporting apprenticeships or even scholarships.
In November 2021, I attended a GCC (Global Coaches Conferences) held by LLS in conjunction with the Steven Gerard Academy. The purpose of the conference was to give LLS and Steven Gerard`s students an international experience in sport, creating a unique CV to make their students stand out when applying for universities and jobs. The GCC is also designed to further develop students to be more employable in the areas of coaching and personal training.
The international providers countries range from USA, Qatar, Dubai, Sri Lanka, China, Canada and more. The GGC offer international coaching experience in football and multi-sports, including a personal training experience in Dubai, I am keen to complete my Diploma on a high note.

Rayhan Ravat
After leaving UBHS I went to Greenhead College to study Maths, Economics and Psychology. I joined the Government Economics service and I am currently in my 4th year completing a Degree Apprenticeship Programme.
In my role I play a part in influencing key government decisions and how billions of pounds are spent within the Government.

Atyab Ranguni
When I left UBHS I then then went on to Mirfield College where I studied Double Sport and A Level Phycology. After finishing the
College, I then went onto North Umbria University, where I am currently studying to become a PE Teacher. I have just completed my level 2 qualified Sports Coach and currently returned back to UBHS to do some work experience in the PE department.

Kabir Hussain
At Upper Batley High School the support I was given was excellent. I am forever grateful to Dorothy Goldthorpe, who without a doubt was the reason for my success during high school. There will always be that one teacher that goes above and beyond to really cater for the needs of a student, and Dorothy was just that person. The life lessons she taught me, as well as not to ever pour icing over a hot bun have really helped, hoping someone makes a movie about her life one day. My confidence increased in the final year, and part of that was because I was being prepared for college by staff, which is incredibly important so that you’re not just thrown into a new world, you’re slowly released with compassion and understanding.
My studies have been varied. At college I studied Biology, Chemistry and Physics at A Level. Further education led me to study Biomedical Sciences at university, moving to Adult Nursing, which is what I’m studying right now, it’s amazing! I knew a healthcare-related career was the right choice for me because I’ve always wanted to heal people. Volunteering is something I am also actively involved in, I work in the Cancer Management department of my local hospital, an honour to be part of such a fantastic team.
And when I am not studying or working, I enjoy writing about food and reading research papers about haematology, a subject I’m interested in. I recently hosted a training session at Google in London, alongside some incredibly influential people. I'm hoping to enter the world of media to inspire others!

Jaffar Raza Jamshead
I continued my post-16 education at Heckmondwike Grammar sixth form, studying Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths and Urdu. I then went on to Xian Jiaotong University in China, where I studied medicine for 6 years.
When I returned to the UK, I was able to apply for a medical license here so now, four years on, I am a doctor at Bradford Royal Infirmary. I recently had a tour of the school and it was great to see all the fantastic improvements that have been made.

Zakariya Chhima
After leaving UBHS I continued my education at the sixth form, at Heckmondwike Grammar School.
In 2009 I went on to the University of Huddersfield where I studied a BA in Architecture for 3 years. In 2013 I completed my Masters in Architecture at the University of Huddersfield.
I then went onto work at Faum Architecture.

Adil Farooq
As a local lad to the Batley area, I attended what was then known as Batley Boys' High School. I kept my head down and worked very hard to achieve impressive GCSE results, which was challenging at a time where there weren't many good role models around me.
I was lucky enough to get a place at Heckmondwike Grammar School Sixth Form where I studied for my A levels. Here, my eyes were opened up to how much harder I would have to work to achieve good grades and compete with other high achieving students. I was the only one from my friendship group to be offered a place to study A levels and I felt isolated and different to the other students, however I quickly made friends and didn’t allow this to hold me back.
I then decided to attend University in Manchester, I wanted to have the experience of being independent and living with my friends for a few years. Again, this was a big move for a boy from Batley; leaving home to live in a big city. At this point I didn’t know I wanted to become a teacher but I knew I had to work hard and make my parents proud. I had a few part time jobs alongside my studies. University, as many would say, was the time of my life! I made friends from all over the world and even now I go and visit them in their home countries/cities and vice versa.
Very quickly I realised I wanted to enter a profession where I could help make a difference and also give back to the community where I grew up. I embarked on a PGCE where I did a placement at my old school - now known as UBHS. This is where I confirmed to myself that this is what I want to do. I told myself that one day I would come back to work there. I was offered a job at another brilliant local school where my talent was spotted early and I became Head of Department. When a job came up at UBHS, I knew instantly I had to apply. When I came for the interview all my amazing memories of high school came flooding back to me. By the grace of God I managed to get the job as Assistant Head Teacher, where I am now. I got here through hard work and determination and a clear dream of wanting to give back to the community that raised me and act as a role model to boys who are just like me. People often complain about their jobs, I am so lucky to have a job which is rewarding in so many ways. It doesn't even feel like 'coming to work' on a morning. When I’m not working, I now enjoy life with my family and going to the gym. I am also a keen traveller and want to see the world with my daughter.
I hope I can be a role model to all the boys at this school as a reminder that you can achieve anything you want through hard work, resilience and a positive attitude.

Mohmed Rawat
After leaving Batley High School for Boys (as it was known at the time), I went on to study for his A Levels (in ICT, Business Studies and Law) at Huddersfield New College; and thereafter graduated with a BA (Hons) degree in Computing in Business from the University of Huddersfield.
After working as a Cyber Security Consultant and a Solutions Architect across the EMEA and Middle East regions for notable technology companies; I now work as a Pre-Sales Solutions Consultant within the Cyber Security domain for a multinational software and information technology firm.

Khalil Patel
My name is Khalil Patel and I attended Upper Batley High School (or Batley High School for Boys, as it was called then) between 1991 and 1996. The exterior of the building itself hasn’t changed much, but the inside looks completely different! I completed my A Levels then decided to enter the world of work before I went to study.
I worked in a post office for six years and went back to university when I was 23, as a mature student. I completed my Degree which was a BA (Hons) Primary Education with Science in 2008 at Leeds Trinity University. I was the first Asian male to qualify in Primary Education since the college opened in 1966.
I have taught for 15 years and started my teaching career at Field Lane School. While I was there, I completed a Masters in a Mathematics Specialist Teacher Programme, which further enhanced my developmental and pedagogical understanding for learners.
When a position became available at Upper Batley High School in December 2020, I applied and got the job! I am now able to come back to the High School where it all started, but this time as a member of staff.

Roger Sheard
After leaving the school, I went to Greenhead College where
I studied Music, Theatre Studies and History. I furthered my education by attending Rose Bruford College in London, to study Music.
After finishing college I went on to work in banking in London for 10 years, working my way up from a temp in the finance department. I returned back to Yorkshire and secured a managers role at PPG where I have been for the past 10 years.

Mohammed Rauf
After finishing school here, I continued my education at the school's sixth form. I then went onto Bradford College to study a degree in organisation skills and in community capacity building, then went onto Braford University to do a Master’s degree in race relations.
From 2000-2018 I went to work for Bradford Council in Health and Social care. In 2016 I received a MBE for my work on a project with the Asian community called Meri-yaadan (my memories) helping people with dementia.
I am currently working on my PHD.

Richard Horsefield
I continued my post-16 education in the sixth form at UBHS, that was in place then, studying A Levels in English, History, Biology and General Studies. I then volunteered in the Children's Ward at Dewsbury hospital before going on to study Law and English Literature at Sheffield University, which is where I also completed my teacher training.
My first role in teaching was at Brighouse School as an English teacher. I went on to progress to Head of English and then Assistant Head with data responsibilities. In 2018, I had the privilege of becoming the Headteacher, which is an extremely rewarding role.

Mark Eastwood
I attended UBHS, back then it was known as Batley Boys' High School, from 1982 and I completed a year at the school's sixth form that they had then.
On leaving education I went on to work in insurance and became a financial advisor, along with spending some time as a sales manager. I also worked for a company which provides medical furniture and equipment to the NHS. After a total of six unsuccessful attempts standing for the Dewsbury East Ward of Kirklees Council, I was elected as the MP for Dewsbury at the 2019 general election.

Aejaz Laher
My time at UBHS in the 1980s resulted in forging lifelong friends whom I can still call on 40 years later. A teacher I admired during my time at the school was Mr Cole who taught History, purely for his passion and love for his subject.
I graduated as a secondary school teacher in 1997 and went on to gain extensive experience as a senior leader working for a multi academy trust.
I enjoyed my role as Vice Principal of a large secondary school in Leeds for a number of years and joined Batley Multi Academy Trust in 2023, as Deputy Headteacher at Batley Girls' High School.

Abdul Aziz Ravat
After leaving UBHS, I went to Sheffield Polytechnic for 2 years then on to Birmingham Polytechnic. I then began working as a Senior Officer at Oldham Council from 1992-1998.
In 2005, I joined the new ventures team where I was commended for this learning and training journey. I have also played for Yorkshire County Cricket Club.

Paul Mayman
Whilst at school I always enjoyed Technology, this is probably why in June 1973 I started work as an apprentice at Fox’s Biscuits. I then studied at Dewsbury Technical College and completed my apprenticeship after four years.
I eventually became the factory Engineering Manager at Fox’s Biscuits. In my working life, education and further education have been an important part of how I became successful in the role I am in today.