Wellbeing support
Our aim here is to ensure all learners receive a high-quality education by providing them with first-class care, support and guidance and our staff team do this exceptionally well.
We focus on developing learners' skills, knowledge and understanding so they can make good progress and achieve. Through our broad and balanced curriculum we teach learners to be creative thinkers, independent, resilient and embed transferable skills to benefit them now with their studies and in the future for employment.
Whilst we stretch and challenge learners with their thinking, we also support them with their wellbeing. We are extremely fortunate that we have a highly-skilled and talented team with the very best pastoral care to ensure learners have fantastic support and guidance throughout the journey with us.
In school, each year group has a non-teaching Year Leader and a member of the Senior Leadership Team linked to them so they have access to support at all times. We regularly ask learners to complete our wellbeing surveys, which are used to support learners with any concerns and anxieties they have, and may want to share with key staff in school. We also have a brilliant school counsellor on-site who works with learners on a one-to-one basis through our referral service. In addition, there are a group of learners who are trained as Mental Health Mentors and can therefore support fellow learners, should they wish to seek support from their peers. Our superb work on wellbeing and mental health has been recognised through our receipt of the Gold School Mental Health Award.
Should any learner wish to talk about their wellbeing, they can contact their Year Leader, Form Tutor or any member of staff from our Safeguarding Team; our doors are always open.
Mr Aman Singh Kang