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Believe - Achieve - Succeed

Learner health and wellbeing

The health and wellbeing of our learners is one of the core priorities of our staff team and we work hard to ensure our young people have the support, care and guidance they need to succeed.

We have a truly brilliant Pastoral team, great SEND provision and our very own school Counsellor who all work very closely with learners to ensure they feel safe and have someone they feel comfortable talking to. In addition to all the staff in school our young people can talk to, we also have a group of learners who are qualified as Wellbeing Mentors to help encourage learners to open up to their peers, with whom they may feel more comfortable, discussing their mental health and wellbeing. 


Our fantastic school facilities allow us to be innovative with our curriculum and provide a high-quality provision that meets the specific needs of learners. Facilities such as; Forest School, Barnyard, onsite gym, school therapy dog and horticulture area, all help to support staff to teach learners to be more resilient and look after their mental health. Our great work has been recognised and the school has been awarded the Gold School Mental Health Award which is an achievement of which we are extremely proud.  


In school this week we are asking learners to complete surveys about their mental health and wellbeing as we're keen to ensure we adapt and optimise what we offer. Whilst we know we do a lot to support our school community, we're always mindful that improvements can be made so it would be useful to know if there is anything more we can do to help our learners.


Mr Aman Singh Kang

Upper Batley High School is part of Batley Multi Academy Trust, company number 07732537, a Company incorporated as private limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales and an exempt Charity. Registered Office Blenheim Drive, Batley, WF17 0BJ.

Contact Us

  • Upper Batley High School, Batley Field Hill, Batley, WF17 0BJ
  • 01924 326343