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Believe - Achieve - Succeed

Curriculum Policy

The curriculum at Upper Batley High School ensures that each learner obtains a broad, balanced and engaging diet of subjects. Our ethos is to believe, achieve and you will succeed. Respect is at the heart of everything we do. Respect for a culture of lifelong learning and its power to transform lives is our secret for success.   


Our curriculum is not only ambitious but it also embodies mutual respect, humanity and a passion for learning in every subject. All learners are encouraged to study courses which link to their future career aspirations, therefore building skills and knowledge for future learning and employment. We believe that planning for the future early helps success grow.


This is why all our learners receive expert careers guidance to inform them throughout the five-year journey. Our curriculum is designed to offer breadth, depth and creativity and is underpinned by essential core humanitarian values from all learners. The expectations of all learners at Upper Batley High School are unequivocally embedded into the school ethos, whether learners are studying academic, technical or vocational courses.                                                           


Curriculum Delivery


A five-year progressive curriculum plan allows for English, Mathematics and Science to be delivered according to ability. The subjects of Geography, History, Religious Education, Arabic (Y11), Spanish (Y9), French and Urdu form the Humanities & Languages Departments whilst Art, Design Technology, Music and Forest School the Creatives Department. The Physical Education and PSHCE provision ensure all learners know how to keep physically and mentally healthy. To secure knowledge and skills in relation to technological advances in the 21st Century, Computing is also incorporated within our curriculum provision. Learners develop a detailed knowledge of life-long interdisciplinary skills across the curriculum such as creative thinking, communication and problem solving in all subjects.


In Years 7 & 8 English and Science have 5 lessons weekly whilst Maths has an allocation of 4 lessons. The EBacc subjects of French, Geography and History all have two lessons each week enabling learners to coherently develop their learning. More practical subjects such as Design Technology and Physical Education are also allocated two lessons a week. Art, Computing and Music are allocated one lesson each week as is Religious Education.


Forest school is used as a vehicle to deliver our PSHCE provision in Y7 with a dynamic and exciting approach to assist in developing both resilience and thinking skills. In Y8 and Y9, learners continue to follow schemes of learning promoting discussion, exploring the diversities of life including; drug education, financial education, sex and relationship education (SRE), the importance of physical activity and a diet for a healthy lifestyle along with an emphasis on enterprise and entrepreneurial skills.


Following the ‘Futures’ process in Y9, the curriculum in Y10 to Y11 embodies the importance of English and Maths but also allows for increased curriculum time in Science where there are two separate courses available: Triple Science and Combined Science


Learners who study English, Mathematics and Triple Science study either Geography or History and can choose to take a language accompanied by one further option choice from the EBacc or open group of subjects. A similar choice is made available with those learners who study Combined Science really promoting the benefits of the EBacc but also promoting the Open Group subjects, which are extremely successful. This makes sure all learners are equipped and ready to meet requirements of employment or further education, enabling learners to acquire information and integrate it into wider concepts.


Not all learners are required to study a language if it does not best meet their needs or future career aspirations. The provision for all learners is therefore bespoke and led by subject specialists who have outstanding subject knowledge. Learners who do not study a language will have a choice of Geography or History followed by three Open Group subjects.


The PSHCE curriculum in Y10 & Y11 is delivered through our ‘INSPIRE’ tutor time programme and a weekly lesson of More in Common.


The allocated time for English and Science is 5 lessons across Y9 to Y11. Maths is allocated 5 lessons in Years 10 and 11. There are currently four option groups in Y10 and 11 for each year group, each having the same allocation of time which is currently three 50-minute lessons per subject area per week. 


The subjects studied at UBHS are outlined below. 


Core Subjects

English, Mathematics and Science

Physical Education (1 lesson per week)

Religious Education (1 lesson per week)

PSHCE (More in Common) (1 lesson per week)


EBacc Subjects

Learners will choose from the following EBacc subjects.

Geography or History &


Arabic (Y11)



Open Group 

Learners will choose from the following Open Group subjects

Fine Art

Business Studies

Computer Science

Design Technology



Religious Education

Sports Study

Travel and Tourism


At Upper Batley High School, we are confident learners have pride in what they do, know how to study effectively and take pride in their achievements. The relationships staff form with learners and parents are exemplary and a real testament to the hard work and dedication of the whole team. High levels of attendance ensure learning is both purposeful and rewarding allowing aspirations to be fulfilled.


All learners are encouraged to become independent learners; building character and ultimately become citizens who will contribute positively to society. The performance of all learners is of course monitored rigorously with successes celebrated across the school. The intent and purpose of the curriculum is clear; to give all learners the opportunities to succeed.


IMPRESS Curriculum

Our IMPRESS Curriculum at Upper Batley High School is designed to develop the vitally important skills of writing, speaking, listening and particularly reading for all of our learners across all aspects of the curriculum. All staff are trained to support learners’ developing reading skills, using the Reciprocal Reading model and its four core components: prediction, clarification, questioning and summary. Prioritising these skills means that learners can quickly develop close reading habits and knowledge about reading that will strengthen and deepen their ability to comprehend increasingly complex written texts during their time at Upper Batley High School.


Vocabulary building is also a particular priority. Learners will regularly be exposed to new tier 2 and tier 3 words and be supported to explore their meanings across a variety of contexts. Morphology and etymology are often explored in lessons to help learners understand how language has developed over time and spot patterns across words to support their independent understanding of new language wherever they may encounter it.


Additionally, the Impress Curriculum feeds into the work done during Inspire time to prepare our learners for life outside of and after their time at Upper Batley High School. Once a week, learners read together and complete written comprehension tasks on a wide range of texts, linked by a different theme each half term.


All learners have access to the library during all social times to further enhance their reading skills and independent study. Additionally, learners in Y7-9 have one reading lesson per week. During this time, they complete vocabulary and grammar work on our online platform, Bedrock, which supports learners to improve reading. Learners also complete reading tests using this platform twice per year. Each class also reads an appropriately challenging modern novel during this time.


Learners who require additional or more intensive support with phonics, decoding and comprehension skills are supported by the EEF recommended Switch On one-to-one intervention programme which runs daily for 6 or 10 weeks, staffed by specially trained teaching assistants. Learners enjoy the range of reading provided and are closely monitored to ensure they are building the vital literacy skills needed for a successful adult life throughout their time at Upper Batley High School.

Upper Batley High School is part of Batley Multi Academy Trust, company number 07732537, a Company incorporated as private limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales and an exempt Charity. Registered Office Blenheim Drive, Batley, WF17 0BJ.

Contact Us

  • Upper Batley High School, Batley Field Hill, Batley, WF17 0BJ
  • 01924 326343