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Upper Batley High School home page

Believe - Achieve - Succeed

Promoting Universal Human Values

Upper Batley High School is committed to raising aspirations for all our learners so they can achieve their full potential and make a positive contribution to society. Promoting universal human values is at the heart of our ethos and curriculum and we ensure every learner leaves UBHS as respectful, aspiring and forward thinking young men.


We are proud of our rich and diverse learning community and ensure that every learner is respectful of all individuals and groups, regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political or financial status.


Our fundamental human values are:


  • Democracy
  • Law
  • Freedom
  • Independence
  • Respect
  • Equality


Our rigorous tutor time programme promotes our human values through regular weekly current affair topics and through our thought for the week. Our form classes are named after our key values of law, democracy, freedom, respect, equality and independence.


At UBHS we are continuously developing our curriculum and enrichment opportunities to inspire our learners to work hard, behave maturely and respect themselves and others to become Tomorrow’s Successful Men’.


Today’s successful learners aspire for a high achieving future. 




  • Our whole school ethos promotes democracy through promoting a love of learning where all questions and opinions are valued and encouraged.
  • Whole school elections of Head Boy and School Council.
  • Learner voice – curriculum feedback and through School Council.
  • Parent voice – we have an active Parent Forum group which meet regularly and also get regular feedback from parents at Going for Gold event days.
  • Consideration of local and national democracy through PSHCE lessons.
  • Celebration and achievement assemblies.




  • Our school ethos promotes equality and respect on all levels. Through our anti-bullying and Behaviour for Learning policies we set clear boundaries on the difference between what is right and wrong and we have high expectations for all learners.
  • Raising awareness of anti-bullying though national Anti-Bullying Week and Safer Internet Day.
  • Visits from the fire and police services to promote the importance of law in our community.
  • PSHCE lessons teach learners about the value of laws. 




  • Our school environment promotes liberty, independence and individuality.
  • Learners at UBHS are encouraged to know and understand their right and personal freedom. Through PSHCE lessons and Aspire tutor time they know how to exercise these safely and have an opportunity to do so.
  • School Council gives an opportunity for learner voice and they have successfully campaigned for lockers and new toilets in school.
  • We challenge stereotypes and offer a fully inclusive curriculum to all learners.




  • We have a whole school culture and ethos that promotes and builds high aspirations and resilience.
  • Our growth mindset philosophy allows staff to promote positive self-esteem and sense of self amongst all learners. This helps to heighten their aspirations through a “can do” attitude.
  • We encourage all learners to pledge to take part in afterschool clubs and extra-curricular activities which help to build learner resilience and independence.
  • We offer a wide range of outside of the classroom opportunities such as Forest school, sports clubs, BBC school report and Diana Mentoring which build learners independence and also help to prepare them for their futures and career pathways.
  • 100% of learners leave UBHS to go into employment, further education or apprenticeships which is aided by our high aspirations for all.




  • At the heart of our learning community is respect. We strive for excellence in everything and aim to give young men from every background the education they deserve and the best life chances.
  • Displays around school promote respect for each other and themselves, this is also shown through our Behaviour for Learning policy.
  • School assemblies are used to address respect and what this means.
  • Staff and learners are encouraged to challenge behaviour that shows prejudice and discrimination.
  • Our “One Voice” policy promotes a culture of respect for speaking and listening to other people’s views.




  • We are a diverse learning community which is something we are very proud of.
  • Learners organise and take part in regular fundraising events such as food bank donations and Children in Need which help support people that are less fortunate.
  • Through our RE and PSHCE curriculum learners have the opportunity to discuss and respect differences between people such as religion, ethnicity, disabilities, gender, sexuality or family situations.
  • Links and visits are promoted with local faith group and communities and places of worship, such as local churches and mosques. At school we celebrate world faith days such as Christmas, Diwali and Eid through in school celebrations and also through our school canteen offering foods from a diverse range of cultures.
  • We host regular “More In Common” events that unite our diverse community together.

Upper Batley High School is part of Batley Multi Academy Trust, company number 07732537, a Company incorporated as private limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales and an exempt Charity. Registered Office Blenheim Drive, Batley, WF17 0BJ.

Contact Us

  • Upper Batley High School, Batley Field Hill, Batley, WF17 0BJ
  • 01924 326343