Raising aspirations for a brighter future
At Upper Batley our staff team work extremely hard to create a culture in which learners can flourish and self-develop.
We teach our young people to think creatively and have a growth mind-set which encourages them to have a ‘can do’ attitude and believe in themselves when faced with challenges. A pivotal part of our role in school is to raise the aspirations of all the young people in our care. To create a willingness to learn, further develop their skills, knowledge and understanding, and essentially improve their future prospects. We have a strong desire to see all our learners visualise a dream, believe in themselves and then go on to achieve this dream through hard work, dedication and determination.
In addition to the great work undertaken in school as part of the curriculum, learners have experienced recent educational visits to universities, theatres, local businesses such as Asda House, Pugata Jewellery and much more.
Mr Aman Singh Kang